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“Catherine Brusk's newest novel, Forgiving St. Nick, is a holiday-themed romance that is a mix of sugar and spice. We are introduced to characters that are instantly loveable, real, and their plights (mostly in the church, but spiritual as well) are ones we want to take up and fight alongside. As with all her books, Catherine focuses on a serious issue with grace, compassion, and deep wisdom. If you're looking for a book to cozy up to this winter that will warm your heart, and stir your soul, then you won't want to miss this latest book.”
“One thing I love about Catherine Brusk is that she never shies away from conflicts that promise to drive a phenomenal story. In Forgiving St. Nick, the characters face conflict that would send most people running for the hills, but Anna and Nick must act like adults—adults whose best friends are getting married to each other. There’s nowhere to run. Nick and Anna have to put their differences aside as they negotiate being thrown together all holiday season and prepare for the wedding simultaneously. For the reader, it is easy to understand why Nick and Anna have issues, but there is also the desire to see them acknowledge the past for what it was and move forward into a better future for them both. Forgiving St. Nick is intriguing, sweet, swoony, and sharp—the perfect combination for your Christmas reading list.”
“Being a survivor, I was so amazed at how well Catherine captured the emotions and reality that comes with any form of sexual abuse. She also showed God’s ability to redeem and restore so so so beautifully. It truly was the first time I’ve read a story that felt like it was written JUST for me.”
“Catherine has taken the very hard subject of Human Sex Trafficking and truly makes you see what it is like to be a survivor. She definitely does not shy from seeing the hurts and emotional effects it has on a person and those around her. But she also ties in a faith thread so beautifully on how God can heal a person and make them stronger. The faith walk that these two characters go through is wonderful and I loved seeing the growth as the story develops.”
“What Love Washed Up will help you understand the victims and complexities of their recovery, and just as importantly, I think, the pain of loved ones who are desperately trying to love them back to wholeness. Now readers with triggers might do best to pass, but if you’ve been simply avoiding this subject because you thought the very acknowledgement of these kinds of evil would pull you down, consider this book as an excellent introduction.”
“This book is absolutely exceptional and well-written. Thank you for educating your readers on the realities of human trafficking, while having a superb plot from start to finish. I cannot wait for the next book!”
“As with the first book in the series, this book took me on an emotional roller coaster. The ups and downs experienced by two deeply wounded individuals was delicately crafted and oh so beautiful. The hero's and heroine's struggles with sin and guilt was real and honest.”
“I don’t think I’m the only one that relates to Bri as a person. Not knowing your worth in Christ makes things harder, yet What Grace Washed Up gives a perspective of what Christ sees in us, and how much He loves us.”
“Catherine tells a story of two people, real people, with challenges and fears and joys, misunderstandings and forgiveness and deep feelings. A rich cast of characters made this book riveting besides Ben and Bri, both of whom I loved. For those wanting a safe, clean, beautifully written story, this is definitely one of those. Catherine wrote about human nature with its passions and desires and yet also its fears and doubts, making those come alive on the page. She has wonderful talent for making you want to know what is going to happen next and I will be reaching for more of her books.”
“LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book. Covers a lot of hard topics but important ones. Catherine does an amazing job at making you feel like you’re in the story, as you get invested in the characters and storyline. Such a wonderful read. Highly recommend it to everyone!”
“As a survivor of marriage trauma, I can attest to the authenticity and raw emotion that Catherine brings to this story. Your heart will ache for both characters. I tore through this book, on the edge of my seat, and found myself pleading at the pages for perseverance from both James and Amanda.”
“While What Strength Washed Up by Catherine Brusk has a firm foothold in the romance genre, it blows any expectations for "just another romance book" out of the water. This book is not just fearlessly grounded in reality. It has a serious bite. Brusk takes the "rules" for writing romance and turns them upside down to create a powerful and engaging novel.”
“I can't decide definitively, but I think this book might be my favorite in my series. The way Catherine laid out the story kept me engaged. She follows the characters at two different points in their lives: present day, and when they first met back in college, alternating between the two each chapter. Seeing the two timelines laid out brought a lot of depth to the characters. We naturally filled in the blanks what happened the decades in between. It just felt really *real* and honest.”
“This book was riveting and relevant! I read it in a season where my own marriage was facing challenges. The author tackles interpersonal struggles with both tact and truth. The result is compelling - a story that brought me to my knees - back to Jesus - and closer to my spouse.”
“Your stories always have someway of poking at the darkness and eventually just shining brightly through.”
“I have to admit, this whole series has been hard to put down. This book will make you fall in love with a little boy who came from a tragic situation, but it also has lessons on truly feeling grief, lamenting. I can relate to Sarah, because my sibling was also sexually abused. I also carried around a lot of guilt over it unnecessarily. This story has helped me to feel seen.”
“Brusk has certainly proven herself as an author who can handle heavy subjects, draw you in to complicated, deep characters and situations, and dig out the deepest emotions within your heart and soul. This story sucked me in and I was quickly, heavily invested in these people. Even when I figured out the twist in the story, I couldn’t resist reading on, desperately needing to know the details. It made me chuckle, made me want to yell at them both for being ridiculous, and most of all it made me cry.”
“It’s amazing how once I start to read I’m so absorbed in your books till I finish. Every single time. I loved it, how two stories were told so beautifully. I always love the lessons I get from your books. I definitely can’t wait for the last one!”
“Get your tissues ready! In What Faith Washed Up, the Parks family is dealing with a life event we all go through. Each person reacts differently and you will see yourself in all of them. Please Catherine Brusk! Don’t let this be the end of the Parks family! (Oh, and this book has an amazing love story woven in too!)”
“I will absolutely miss these characters. This series has been so beautiful. It has been such a blessing to me. May God forever inspire you, Catherine, to never put that pen down.”
“What Faith Washed Up is a beautiful, heart tugging conclusion to a series that asks you to stop, think, seek, and pray. For me, personally, this last book touched home and helped me deal with feelings of loss, longing, and regret. Catherine Brusk writes powerful stories that stay with you long after, and makes you yearn to revisit again and again to enjoy the journey of not only the characters, but of your own journey along the way.”
“Catherine again outdid herself with this well-written amazing story. Real life situations that make you feel as though you are not only a part of the story, but it truly could be your very own story being told on the pages. This series was a God send and I am so happy I read them!”